

Série de livres illustrés
Hawkworld est une série de bandes dessinées publiée par la société américaine DC Comics de 1989 à 1993. Le scénario initial a été publié sous la forme d'une mini-série en trois numéros, puis, sur la base des ventes élevées et du niveau d'intérêt... Wikipédia (anglais)
Personnages principaux : Katar Hol; Shayera Thal; Byth; Paran Katar; Andar Pul
Welcome to Hawkworld, the largest group of Hawkfans in the world! Since I started Hawkworld in 2016, the fans groups on Facebook (7200+ members), Twitter (7600+ ...
""Hawkworld"" sur dc.fandom.com
Hawkworld is a pivotally important series in Hawkman's notoriously confusing continuity. Following the Crisis on Infinite Earths in 1986, a large number of ...
""Hawkworld"" sur www.amazon.com
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Tim Truman's "Hawkworld" (a trilogy of graphic novels collected together here in this new paperback volume), is the definitive version of DC's fabled Hawkman ...
""Hawkworld"" sur dc.fandom.com
Hawkworld was a three-issue limited series printed in DC's prestige format. The series re-imagined the origin of Hawkman for the Post-Crisis environment.
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""Hawkworld"" sur www.dc.com
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HAWKWORLD NEW EDITION ... In this classic 3-issue miniseries from the 1990s, writer/artist Timothy Truman reinvents Hawkman as a brutal member of Thanagar's ...
Published Jun 1990 by DC. ... In the HAWKWORLD Prestige Format mini-series (see Hawkworld (1989 Limited Series)), the tale of Thanagarian policeman Katar Hol was ...
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In 1991, at DC Comics he created Hawkworld, a reinvention of Hawkman. With author Joe R. Lansdale, he reinterpreted Jonah Hex as a horror western. In it, their ...
""Hawkworld"" sur www.amazon.com
Avis (12) · 23,99 $US
As far as self-contained superhero origins go, Hawkworld is one of the best for the DC heroes. It's on par with Batman: Year One, George Perez's Wonder Woman, ...
""Hawkworld"" sur www.goodreads.com
Avis (27)
HAWKWORLD follows wealthy Katar Hol as he questions his role in Thanagarian society, joins the police force, is betrayed and disgraced, and then finally finds ...